Friday, March 03, 2006

Spring 2 seminar by Rod Johnson, London

On march 2nd 2006 I was in London to hear Rod Johnson speak about new features in Spring 2. Rod explained that the focus for Spring 2 was 'make complex things simple and simple things even simpler'. From what we heard I think they succeeded pretty good.
I was especially impressed by the integration of AspectJ and the declarative way that you now can use to define aspects. It is now possible to use a simple POJO as an aspect. No more implementing or extending advisors. They defined a couple of new namespaces in the xml schema, like the aop namespace.
You can do something like

< aop:aspect >
... use valid AspectJ expression to define pointcuts and joinpoints ...
... use an ordinary class as an aspect
< /aop:aspect >

and there is your aspect.
Also nice is the struts like tag support they now have build in. Binding of forms to commands is probably a lot easier and more intuitive than before.
Of course he could only tell us a little bit in 2,5 hours, but the things that he told made me sure that a migration from Spring 1.2.6 to Spring 2 is a good decision.
You can find Spring 2 at

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

First posting

Hey all!

This blog will function as a reference for all the stuff that is worth saving for some reason.
It will probably mostly be stuff to do with Spring, Java, and everything else to do with the projects I work on.